Out-of-School Youth Programs

CareerSource Broward collaborates with education partners and local organizations in Broward County to provide educational and employment services to youth, 17 years of age or older who has not yet reached their 24th birthday.
Available Out-Of-School Youth Programs

ORGANIZATION: CareerSource Broward
PROGRAM NAME: Out-of-School Youth (OSY) Program
DESCRIPTION: CareerSource Broward serves youth ages 18 - 23 who are out-of-school. The program provides occupational skills training, paid work experience, career pathway planning, VR goggles for career exploration, employability skills training, financial literacy training, tutoring, support services, job placement, and follow up.

ORGANIZATION: School Board of Broward County
PROGRAM NAME: Career, Technical, Adult and Community Education – Out-of-School Youth (CTACE – OSY) Program
DESCRIPTION: CTACE - OSY serves youth ages 17 - 24, who are out-of-school. The program provides GED assistance, basic skills remediation, Career Pathway planning, employability skills training, financial literacy training, tutoring, paid work experience, support services, job placement, and follow up.
Contact Person: Christy Bradford
Phone: (754) 321-8455
Email: christy.bradford@browardschools.com
Address: 1701 NW 23rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

ORGANIZATION: The FLITE Center (Fort Lauderdale Independence Training & Education Center)
PROGRAM NAME: Let’s Get To Work – Out-of-School Youth (OSY) Program
DESCRIPTION: The FLITE Center serves foster care/TIL youth ages 17 - 24 through case management, referral to WIOA funded services, career pathway planning, employability skills, paid work experience, GED preparation, support services, and placement into jobs or post-secondary training.
Contact Person: Andrew Jacas
Phone: (954) 297- 3474
Email: andrew@flitecenter.org
Address: 5207 NW 33rd Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

ORGANIZATION: HANDY Inc. (Helping, Abused, Neglected, Disadvantage Youth)
PROGRAM NAME: LIFE – Out-of-School Youth (OSY) Program
DESCRIPTION: HANDY serves youth ages 17 - 24 with barriers to employment/education through case management, referral to WIOA funded services, career pathway planning, employability skills, tutoring, paid work experience, GED preparation, support services, and placement into jobs or post-secondary training.
Contact Person: Andree Garnier
Phone: (954) 218-0403
Email: agarnier@HANDYinc.org
Address: 1717 N. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

ORGANIZATION: Center for Independent Living of Broward
PROGRAM NAME: Youth Work – Out-of-School Youth (OSY) Program
DESCRIPTION: The Center for Independent Living serves youth ages 17 - 24 with disabilities in fulfilling their goals of independence and self –sufficiency by providing employment skills training through paid work-based opportunities and eventually obtain full-time employment.
Contact Person: Brian Johnson
Phone: (954) 722-6400, ext. 130
Email: bjohnson@cilbroward.org
Address: 4800 State Rd. 7, Suite 102, Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319

ORGANIZATION: Harmony Development Center
PROGRAM NAME: Career Bound Program
DESCRIPTION: Harmony’s Career Bound youth program serves youth with barriers by offering them services such as career planning, internships, and employability skills development.
Contact Person: Gabriela Raurell, LMHC
Phone: (954) 766-4483
Email: graurell@harmonydc1.org
Address: 12233 SW 55th Street, Cooper City, FL 33330
Want More Information?
We are dedicated to providing the tools to assist your child with job leads and to prepare them for the workforce. If you have any questions, please contact Yushika Florence at (954) 202-3830, ext. 3066, or by email at YFlorence@careersourcebroward.com.