Welfare Transition Program

Based on information received from the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), you have been referred to CAREERSOURCE BROWARD. To view the our Welfare Transition Program brochure, click here.
To complete your Work Registration
Log into the One Stop Tracking System (OSST) at https://osstclient.deo.myflorida.com (we recommend using Google Chrome for this website)
You will log in as a new user and enter the following information:
• Your social security number with no dashes or spaces
• Your date of birth month/ date/ year and the 5-digit ZIP Code you used when applying for benefits
You will need to complete the following tasks in the OSST System:
1. Online Orientation - information about the program
2. Needs and Barriers Assessment
Register in Employ Florida at www.employflorida.com
• Update or create a resume in Employ Florida
• Complete the match your skills assessments to include job skills and personal skill on the Employ Florida website
• Complete one job search
I can’t get into the OSST system to Work Register.
Your case must be open, if you have just completed your phone interview with DCF please wait 24-48 hours then using the steps provided under “Work Registration” try again.
Check the information you are entering: What zip code did you apply for benefits under?
If you are still having trouble and need technical assistance, Please call (855) 212-0880 or email: CustomerInfoCenter@deo.myflorida.com
Once you have completed work registration and receiving benefits you are referred as a mandatory participant in the Welfare Transition Program.
In order for us to help you take the next steps towards finding employment and becoming self-sufficient, we must meet with you to assess your employment goals, barriers to becoming employed, and to complete your Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP).
Review the instructions below, as it is important that you complete the steps before the date listed on the Notice of Mandatory Participation Letter you received in the mail or to your DCF access account. Once your cash assistance is approved, your next steps are:
Step 1: Complete the Initial Assessment
• Log in to the One Stop Service Tracking (OSST) system at this link https://osstclient.deo.myflorida.com. Use the login information you used when you completed your online orientation and needs and barrier assessment.
• The initial assessment must be completed before you can meet with a Success Coach. This assessment will ask you about your education, skills and employment history. If you do not know your login information, go to the link above and click on “forgot” to retrieve your user ID and/or reset your password.
• If you did not complete orientation before getting this letter, go to the URL, click “New User” and follow the instructions to set up your password to complete the Initial Assessment.
Step 2: Complete CSBD’s Orientation and Assessment
Here is the link to where you can find the orientation online: https://elearning.careersourcebroward.com. If you have any questions, please contact one of the centers below. A staff member will be reaching out to you to provide assistance and schedule your assessment.
Center Locations and Contact information:
North Office
4941 Coconut Creek Pkwy Coconut Creek, FL 33063
(954) 969-3541, ext. 114
Central Office
2610 W. Oakland Park Blvd Oakland Park, FL 33311
(954) 677-5555, ext. 1200
South Office
7550 Davie Road Ext. Hollywood, FL 33024
(954) 967-1010, ext. 195
Instructions for a Sanction Lift Request
Penalty (Sanction) Levels and penalty periods
• Level 1 Penalty, loss of TCA for 10 days or until customer complies with the WTP program.
• Level 2 Penalty, loss of TCA for one month or until customer complies with the WTP program, whichever is longer.
• Level 3 Penalty, loss of TCA for three months or until customer complies with the WTP program, whichever is longer.
If your case has been sanctioned and you have served the penalty (sanction) period complete the step below:
• Email the center closest to you. Emails are listed under the Career Center’s information on this page.
• Subject Line: Please remove sanction (penalty)
Include the following information in your email
• Your first and last name
• The last four digits of your social security number
• A phone number where you can be reached
After you have emailed, look for a reply email with further instructions from the CareerSource Broward staff. Please wait at least 2 business days for a reply to your email.
What happens once you are receiving cash benefits?
This is a work program; everyone is required to participate at some level.
Participation Requirements
Once you have been assigned a Success Coach you will be required to participate and turn in documentation. The date these documents are due will be on the Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) you create with your Success Coach.
Participants referred to the Work Program will be assigned to participate in work activities for a minimum of 35 hours per week.
Refer to your IRP for which assignments you are required to complete.
Contact DCF and CareerSource Broward within ten (10) days of becoming employed. Have your employer complete the Employment verification form (see form below) and return it to the CareerSource center.
If you have a medical condition that prevents you from working:
You must have a Licensed Doctor, not an APRN, complete a medical verification form, the form must be completed every three (3) months and submitted to your Success Coach.
Even though you may have a medical condition that may prevent you for working, you are still required to complete certain activities each month as assigned by your Success Coach to continue to receive benefits. Activity assignment is on a case by case basis.
If you are the sole care giver of a disabled person living in your home, you are responsible for providing documentation (need of care form) to DCF. This form must be filled out by a doctor as well. You will be provided 10 days from the date of your appointment with a Success Coach to have your status changed after which you will be required to fully participate.
The Need of Care and Medical Verification forms can be found and printed from the “important forms” section on this page.
Support Services
Please speak to your Success Coach regarding services for job seekers and employed participants. Services are provided based on individual participation, funding, and availability.
You may be eligible for assistance with:
• Child Care
• Transportation
• Education scholarships or Certification Expenses
Need information about your case?
Contact DCF
Regarding benefit payments, changes in your household, change in where you live and/ or contact information, recertification, fair hearing, receiving unemployment, child support sanctions etc.
Contact CareerSource Broward
If you have a sanction and want to have it lifted after serving your penalty period, contact CareerSource Broward.
Unable to participate due to illness or unable to attend a scheduled appointment?
Contact your Success Coach at CareerSource Broward as soon as possible to avoid a possible penalty on your case.
You have received a pre-penalty letter in the mail. What does that mean?
A pre-penalty letter suggested you have failed to do something you were required to do by a certain date. This letter is an attempt to get you back into compliance with the program. You must call and speak with your Success Coach before the deadline indicated on the letter.
Your address, phone number and/or email have changed. Who do you contact?
Contact both DCF and CareerSource Broward to update your information and to receive documentation regarding your case.
You no longer want to receive cash assistance (opt off)
Contact DCF to inform them of your decision to no longer receive cash assistance. Please note that you are required to participate fully in month(s) you receive assistance.
Example: You received cash assistance for the month of January. If you decide you no longer want cash assistance, you must contact DCF immediately. Keep in mind, you still have to complete the assigned hours for January.
If you contact DCF after the 15th of the month to cancel cash assistance, you may be required to participate for the following month. DCF processes payments in advance for each month; therefore, any payment posted to your account in advance will result in required participation for that month as well.