August 28, 2024 | Filed under: CareerSource Broward News
Economic prosperity is a fundamental goal of CareerSource Broward, which seeks to connect job seekers with employment and career development opportunities. But how do we define “economic prosperity?” We often hear of economic prosperity on a national scale, but what does it mean for individuals? It is simple: being successful and thriving financially.
Did you know that 65% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck?* If an individual becomes unemployed, he or she would not be able to meet their financial obligations because they rely solely on their wages to pay for expenses. In fact, 56% of the population would struggle to finance a $1,000 emergency.**
Chances are that you or someone you know is in these circumstances. The good news is that it is possible to improve your financial status; even better news is that you can do this regardless of your income amount.
In CareerSource Broward’s 90-minute “Money Management” workshop, we discuss simple management of personal finances and choices for a stronger financial future. Workshop topics include: practical spending plans, strategies for building savings, and ways to reduce debt.
Our professional workshop facilitators are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience to provide exceptional tools for helping job seekers get ahead. The “Money Management” workshop is held both virtually (Fridays at 9am) and in person at no cost to you. To see the times for the in-person workshops in our 3 centers, or to register for any of our other workshops, please visit:
*MarketWatch Guides