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PPN: Job Search & Networking Strategies for Professionals

Monday, March 17, 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

This workshop identifies effective methods for finding jobs online and offline. You will also discover “The Power of People” through effective networking strategies. Topics include: finding and connecting with decision makers, writing cover letters, using multiple approaches in your job search, and following up. Make things happen! (90 minutes)

This workshop is part of the PPN (Professional Placement Network) series.

Every other Monday at 9am

In order to register for this workshop, AT LEAST ONE of the following must apply to you:

1. I have a four-year degree.

2. I have managerial experience of at least 5 years.

3. I have earned a salary of at least $45,000.

4. I have military experience.

If you meet at least one of these requirements, please click here.